Guide for E-Mail Use
Last Update: September 20, 2006

< ¡ESPAÑOL! | Steps to Follow | Suggestions | Other Options | Glossary of Key Terms >

To communicate in writing with the teacher and to take on-line exams, it is necessary to have an e-mail account in Spanish. Follow the instructions to open an account for your Spanish class, and be sure to read the suggestions and to familiarize yourself with the key terms given below.

Steps to Follow: ( Suggestions | Other Options | Glossary of Key Terms )

Congratulations! It's that simple!
In just 10 steps or less, you've been able to open a new e-mail account in Spanish
(even though you read the instructions in English, ¡en vez de hacerlo en español como debe ser!)!
Now you can participate on-line!

Suggestions for writing an e-mail: ( Steps to Follow | Other Options | Glossary of Key Terms )
E-mail is quick and convenient... but it's important to always remember the norms of communication when writing an e-mail (for example, the attitude or tone of respect in writing, and phrases for greetings and leave-takings). Some common greetings and farewell phrases are found in the next section:

Be careful when using CAPITAL LETTERS when you write, because IT LOOKS LIKE YOU'RE YELLING AT THE PERSON TO WHOM YOU ARE WRITING! Use capitals with tact and purpose.

Other Options: ( Steps to Follow | Suggestions | Glossary of Key Terms )
If you are having problems when using's free email service, the first and most important thing you should do is contact me to tell me about it. There is a variety of other free email services in Spanish that I can recommend (but I don't have the instructions for use published on my site; you're on your own when it comes to that... but it shouldn't be that complicated):

Glossary of Key Terms: ( Steps to Follow | Suggestions | Other Options )
To use e-mail effectively, it's necessary to understand technical terms in Spanish. Below is a list of common words and their translations.