Guide for Using E-Lists
Last Update: September 20, 2006

< ¡ESPAÑOL! | Introduction | Guide for Use (1/2/3) | Current E-Lists >

INTRODUCTION < Guide for Use (1/ 2/ 3) | Current E-Lists >
First (and foremost): keep in mind that the Internet is a global network of computers and anyone in the world can access whatever one chooses to publish publically on it, such as messages sent to the E-Lists, for example. For this reason, the student should be aware of and follow these rules when publishing messages:

GUIDE FOR USE [ #1) On the Main Page || #2) Within a Thread || #3) Content Norms ]
< Introduction | Current E-Lists >

#1) The Main Page

To the left there is an example of the main page of an E-List from last year, with the date of March 30, 2004. Its on-line address, or its URL, was In this image you can see the three different "threads" (or topics) that existed back then, located next to the black bullets. You can also see a response to the first thread, in the line with the indentation and the blank bullet.

The title of the most recently added thread is "otro intento", and the title of the response to that thread is "¡HURRA!". Each title (of a main message or of a response) is followed by the name of the author and the exact date and time the message was written.

Every time a new thread is added, the previous ones are lowered and the most recent appears at the beginning of the list. All of the threads are separated by a gray horizontal line, and each response to them is located below the main message to which the author has responded, in an indented line and next to a blank bullet.


  • Threads are begun by the teacher, unless there is a homework assignment directing students to start their own threads.
  • In order to start a thread, click on "Post an Article".
  • In order to respond to a thread, first you must open the main message of the thread to which you want to respond (see #2 below for more details).

    #2) Within the Thread (entitled "otro intento")

    To the left is an example of a thread page, specifically the one with the title of "otro intento" that appeared in the image above. (When you're in the main page of the E-List - like #1 above - and you click on the title of the thread, a page like the one to the left is opened.) This is where the majority of student work takes place, and where one can respond to the thread begun by the teacher, or by another classmate.

    These pages commonly include identification information, the body of the message, buttons, and a bulleted list of messages in response to the thread (if there are any). The identification information includes the name of the author of the message (an active link which allows you to send him/her an e-mail message); the title of the thread in italics; the day, date, and time at which the message was finished being written; and the electronic address (IP address) of the computer from where the message was sent.


  • In order to respond to the main message in this thread, click on the left button which says "Post a Response". After sending the message to the E-List, it will appear as a response to this thread on the E-List main page as well as on the specific thread's main page.
  • To return to the E-List main page, click on the right-hand button which says "Return to Articles".
  • In order to read the responses that others have sent to this thread, click on the titles of the bulleted messages.
  • In order to write a private e-mail to the person who wrote the message, click on his/her name in the ID information area at the beginning of the message.

    #3) Content Norms

    When composing a message to be published on the E-List, it is crucial to remember that this is a public forum and whatever is published here is also graded as published, like any other assignment. For this reason, precautions should be taken upon contributing to the E-List, such as these:


  • ALWAYS include your name (in the box nest to "Author"), your e-mail address (in the "Email" area, selecting the box that says "Show email address?" to create a link to your e-mail address), and a descriptive title for the message (in "Subject").
  • BEFORE publishing your message, read it carefully at least once and correct any grammatical errors or any potentially offensive or inappropriate comments.
  • Be sure to answer all questions completely (this would be deserving of an average grade - not excellent and not bad). Going beyond the basic questions and adding a stimulating or original aspect to the dialogue would provide you with an outstanding grade.
  • Beyond answering the questions on an individual basis, you should also read the contributions made by your classmates and share your reactions in writing directly with two or three of them. Your grade consists of both elements: answering the questions proposed by the teacher, and responding to your classmates.
  • Each contribution to the on-line discussion should be completed BEFORE midnight (PST) on the due date posted by the teacher. If for some reason this becomes an impossible task, you should send me an e-mail or call the school and leave a message explaining your situation.

    CURRENT E-LISTS < Introduction | Guide for Use (1/ 2/ 3) >

  • AP Spanish, 2006-07 (
  • AP Spanish, 2005-06 (
  • AP Spanish, 2004-05 (
  • Spanish II, 2004-05 (