Sp. III || Sp. AP, Language || ESPAÑOL ]

There are four types of assignments (or written work) that Spanish III students do, and they are the following: daily assignments, projects, in-class work, and quizzes and tests. Each one has a different grading system and norms for completion and turn-in, which are explained below.

  • The daily assignments normally are grammatical in nature and are marked with a stamp on the day they are due if they are done completely. If they are not, they do not receive a stamp. A missing stamp is a sign of late homework and these receive half credit (50%, or an "F"). These assignments are graded monthly, in "packets" (all of the work done up to that point, or specific assignments selected by the teacher, are put together chronologically in a packet and stapled before being turned in).

  • Projects are normally worth a great deal of points, in comparison with daily assignments. If a project is turned in late, the grade is lowered one letter per day (1 day late = "B" as the highest possible grade). They are graded based on a rubric distributed when the project is assigned, and the best work is exhibited in the classroom.

  • In-class assignments include many different activities, from answering questions orally to writing compositions. Since they are so varied, they are graded based on distinct standards with which the student will be familiarized before beginning to work on them. If the student was absent or for any other reason was unable to complete the assignment in class as did the rest of the students, then he/she should meet with the teacher to receive an alternative assignment so that no points are lost. In the event that it was for disciplinary reasons that the student was unable to complete the work in class, no points will be earned/given.

  • The quizzes and tests that are not taken because of unforeseen absences have an expiration date of one week after the student's return to class. If the quiz/test is not taken within one week after returning, the student will receive 0 points (0%, an "F") on the quiz/test. If the absence is planned and unavoidable, then he/she should meet with the teacher ahead of time to receive an alternative assignment so that no points are lost.

    The policy for AP resembles the expectations described above in the Spanish III section, with one major difference that should be noted by AP students: daily assignments (and AP summer assignments) will NOT be accepted at all, for any reason (except, of course, for serious and verified family emergencies). In other words...


    (NOTE: Because the current AP class did not meet in May/June to discuss the summer homework, there was some confusion as to the homework policy and expectations. For this reason, the deadline has been extended to Friday, September 30, 2005, for those who would like to make up missing points for a maximum grade of "B" on the sections completed beyond the given deadlines.)

    The other three categories (projects, in-class assignments, and quizzes and tests) are the same as the ones above, so refer to them for more information.