Todo lo mío
En español, caramba!)
Last Update: el 19 de agosto de 2008

Hello, dear Student, and welcome to your first homework assignment in which you will produce something in Spanish in this class! This informative sheet represents who you are in 2 pages or less. It's a quick way to let me get to know you a little, and in this way be more effective as YOUR TEACHER! Fill in all the information, please, and remember to use "diccionarios" for items you don't know.

If you use the English version of this webpage, you're going to be confused because I used the famous elecronic translator Babelfish to change what's below to English... and I did it on purpose, so that my students would see how HORRIBLE these translators are. There is really no better way to understand another language than to just completely ABANDON translations and English, and let yourself be immersed in the language you're studying...and eventually, in time and with perseverance, you'll become fluent through repetition and practical use of the language. This letter (the pink part) is well translated, that is to say personally translated by me and not by an electronic translator... but the rest (of the page) is not. Dear Student, I invite you yet again to do the work and use "un diccionario" to look up what you don't understand and in this way to better understand the document.

But anyway... going back to the document...
The idea is easy... simply write in the blank spaces your personal information (like your name and phone number) or your opinions on basic personal topics (such as what your favorite food is or what you like to do in your spare time). You should be honest and direct when filling out the form. Nobody sees it, except me and you.

Instructions for downloading the MSWord document are in Spanish, so GO BACK to the Spanish version of this page!

...and here's where the translator takes over... ¡Buena suerte con la comprensión de este disparate (the noun, not the verb... almost as important as using the dictionary is knowing how to do it effectively)... y recuerda que el diccionario puede ser tu mejor amigo!

Instructions of how filling the leaf of " All mío":

After lowering the MSWord document to the computer, there are two options to fill the leaf: (1) you can directly key your personal answers in the cells of the invisible tables in the leaf (some of which have a visible line in which you can write) or, if you prefer to write your answers by hand, (2) you can print the document (the two pages) and complete it with a ball-point pen and your manuscript before giving it to the teacher in class. There are thirty sections or questions total, and the lists of vocabulary and explanations next describe what exactly I am looking for in each area of the document. One recommends the student to him who reads this before filling the document, or she fills while it. If it has more questions, it can write to me to What appears in the document will down appear in a typeface " Arial" and in orange color, and my additional explanations or details will be blue and in style " Comic Sans". An example answer will appear in the same style, but in black color, and the information directly related to that answer will be gray.

...ok, so you get the point, I hope... stay away from translators! ¡Son malos, malísimos! ¡Solamente te confunden! ¡Usa el español!